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On this page you can learn how This page shows where to connect your wired devices to the in a Seattle University Wired Networkresidence hall room or shared space.


Note: network jacks may vary from images

Bellarmine Hall

Connect devices to the ‘B’ jacks with the red computer icon.

Campion Hall #1

Connect devices to the ‘C’ jacks with the red computer icon.

Campion Hall #2

Connect devices to the ‘C’ jacks with the red computer icon.

Murphy Apartments (ATM1-ATM 5)

Connect devices to the bottom jacks where the label ends with ‘D’.

Chardin Hall

Connect devices to jacks with the red computer icon.

Xavier Global House

Connect devices to the ‘B’ jacks with the red computer icon.

Douglass Apartments

The network jacks are unlabeled. Connect devices to the pictured jack in either the bedroom or living room.


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