How to Request an MFA Token in Place of a Personal Phone
When using Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA), users are required to use a secondary method to verify their identify when performing MFAidentity. If a users user does not wish to use their personal devicephone, they can request a MFA token through submitting a ticket to the ITS Service Desk.
A MFA token is the size of a USB stick and will generate a 6 digit security code whenever the user needs to verify their identity for MFA. Tokens can be mailed or picked up on campus after they are requested.
Privacy Concerns
If privacy or separation of work and personal accounts is the reason for not wanting to use a personal phone for MFA, the registration process that uses the QR code does not sign in your phone to Seattle University or provide any access or monitoring to the phone. The Microsoft Authenticator app will note the model of phone and version number of the app in your account, to better manage the authentication methods. If using a non-Microsoft authentication app, only a unique identifier is recorded.
Other Methods for Verifying Your Identity
Other options for secondary devices include: