MS Teams - Enable Screensharing on a MacOS Device

MS Teams - Enable Screensharing on a MacOS Device

I cannot share my screen in Microsoft Teams on my macOS device. Help!

Starting with Catalina 10.15, mac OS introduced additional security controls to better protect your computer. Apps are now required to ask your permission before accessing your webcammicrophone, or recording/sharing your screen. These settings may block certain Teams functionality.


To configure your security settings for MS Teams, please do the following:

  1. Check your macOS version – click the  menu in the top-left corner, then select “About This Mac“.

    • If you’re running macOS 10.15.x or higher, continue on:

  2. Click the menu in the top-left corner, then select “System Preferences…“, then select “Security & Privacy”

  3. Click the padlock in the lower-left corner of the window. When prompted, enter your computer username and password.

  4. You’ll need to allow MS Teams to access your CameraMicrophoneAccessibilityFiles and Folders, and Screen Recording. To do this, select the item from the left column, scroll through the list of applications, and make sure that Teams is checked.

  5. Repeat this process for your Camera, Microphone, Accessibility, and Screen Recording.

  6. Reboot your computer for the changes to take effect.


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