MPS Print Groups

MPS Print Groups


An MPS Print Group is a list of people who are authorized to print using a university activity’s budget for work purposes. These groups are managed by a Print Administrator (see Printing Definitions).

Who is My Print Administrator/in My Print Group?

First, you must know the activity string of the MPS Print Group you need to manage or audit. These groups will all start with "MPS-" followed by the 10-digit activity string and a description (i.e. "MPS-0123456789-My_Print_Group", but you can simply search for "MPS-0123456789").

  1. Open Microsoft Outlook with your Seattle U account.


  2. Open the Address Book by clicking on the icon in the upper right.


  3.  Search for the name of the Print Group you wish to manage. It will begin with "MPS-", followed by the 10-digit activity string and a description.  You can simply search for "MPS-0123456789", for example.


  4. Double-click the Print Group you want to audit.


  5. The Print Administrator is identified in the "Owner" box to the left, while the group members are listed in the box to the right. Note: The Print Administrator need not also be a group member.


Managing Print Group Membership


 You must be the Print Administrator (see Printing Definitions)

  • If the current Print Administrator is unavailable, their supervisor may make the request

  • Have the full name of the Print Group available (see the display name field in the image above)

  • Have a list of users to ADD

  • Have a list of users to REMOVE

Submit the above information to the Service Desk.

Create or Delete a Print Group

To create a group, please view SU Managed Printing - Creating MPS Print Groups.

To delete a group, the Print Administrator (see Printing Definitions) should submit a request to the Service Desk. If unavailable, their supervisor may make the request.


Change the Print Administrator

It is most expedient to have the outgoing Print Administrator (see ) to name their successor. If unavailable, their supervisor may make the request. In either scenario, the request should be sent to the Service Desk.

Note: It is highly recommended that a new Print Administrator be named immediately when the current PA is leaving that role, even if this person will serve temporarily. Otherwise, this individual will continue to receive monthly usage memos and there could be delays in making changes to the Print Group.


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