Android Devices - Mobile Printing

Android Devices - Mobile Printing


First Time Setup

See Android Devices - Mobile Printing Set Uparchived


  1. Connect to the campus SU secure Wifi. Need help? Please review Connecting to SU-secure - Android.

Please note mobile printing is not available over SU-guest Wifi.  

 2. Select the vertical ellipsis menu on the top right > Print > click on the top right drop-down menu to select desired paper size, “Letter” is standard for SU printers.

You may also select a variety of other printing options.

3. When you are ready to print you will need to access the Papercut web client via your home screen shortcut to continue printing or open your browser to https://mobileprint.seattleu.edu to send your print job to the su-print queue.

If printing from a personal account follow the below steps:

  1. Select “Charge to my personal account” > Print

If printing from a shared account follow the below steps:

  1. Select “Charge to shared account” > click on “Select the shared account to charge” drop-down menu > Select the shared account. 

4. You can now retrieve any print job from any printer on campus by swiping your ID or by entering your SeattleU username and password.

Need additional help? Submit a ticket in our new portal here: IT Service Desk Help Center

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