Office 365 OneDrive at Seattle University

Office 365 OneDrive at Seattle University


Here are a few ways to access and work with your OneDrive data.


OneDrive provides secure, easy-to-use storage space that’s accessible from any device, anywhere in the world.  Use OneDrive to store Word documents, Excel spreadsheets, pictures, project files, and any other personal data.

There are many ways to access your OneDrive data, and many ways to work with your data.  Here are a few:


Via Web Browser: go to https://portal.office.com,  log on with your @seattleu.edu account, and look for the OneDrive icon on the left side.

Via Word/Excel/PowerPoint (Office 2016, Office 365): go to File > Account, log on with your @seattleu.edu account.

Via File Explorer: (coming soon!)

Upload & Save

Via Web Browser: look for the Upload option:

Via Word/Excel/PowerPoint: choose File > Save, and look for OneDrive – Seattle University:


Data you store in OneDrive is private by default, and is not accessible by anyone inside or outside of Seattle University.  To share data with colleagues and teammates, consider storing your work in an Outlook Group or SharePoint Online site that is configured for group access.

To share data from OneDrive – or to stop sharing from OneDrive – browse to the file name in OneDrive and use the Share options.  Step-by-step instructions are available from Microsoft’s OneDrive collaboration article.


Use “Version History” to restore a single file (or files) to a previous version.  Old versions are accessible up to the previous year.

Use “Restore Your OneDrive” to roll back all OneDrive changes, up to the previous 30 days.

Additional Learning Resources

Check out Microsoft’s online OneDrive guide, or watch a short OneDrive training video.


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