General Mobile Device Email Settings

General Mobile Device Email Settings


Connect your mobile device to your Seattle University email account.


  1. Navigate to your device's mail settings and add a new account.

  2. Select Office 365, Microsoft Exchange or Outlook as your account type. (Please note that Exchange refers to Exchange SERVER and we do not have mailboxes on Exchange Server, so please try to use the Office 365 or Outlook options wherever possible)

  3. When prompted for an email address, enter your full SU email. Example: username@seattleu.edu

  4. Enter your SU email password when prompted. 

  5. If asked for a description, you may choose a brief name to describe your email account. Example: Seattle U

  6. If prompted for a server or domain name, please enter the following:

  7. If prompted for username (or "domain/username"), enter your full SU email again. Example: username@seattleu.edu

  8. If prompted for SSL, select On (or enabled)

10. If prompted for S/MIME, select Off (or disabled)

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