Drafts Guide

Drafts Guide

This page goes over the “Drafts” item in SeattleU Forms (etrieve) and covers how drafts are generated.

This support page contains both a video guide and a support article. They both contain the same set of information/instructions.

Use Case of Drafts

Having multiple drafts of the same form, is a possible and frequently occurring scenario. For example: an instructor can give multiple students incomplete grades from the same class. That instructor would have to fill out multiple “Incomplete Grade” forms, that may result in multiple “Incomplete Grade” form drafts.

Video Guide

There is a written guide below.


Support Article


  • When clicking on “Drafts” in the left panel, the middle panel will expand showing you all forms that you have initiated but not yet submitted:

    Navigate to the menu on the left side, to access the drafts folder.

    In this example, there are no drafts yet.

How a Draft Form is Generated

We will walk through two examples of how drafts forms are generated.

Example 1:

  • When you need to initiate a form, click on “Forms” right above the “Drafts” item in the left panel:

  • Once the middle panel expands showing you forms that are available to you, choose the desired form (“Special Request Form” in this example):

  • The right panel should expand showing the form you selected:

  • If you make a change to any of the form’s items, such as checking a box for example, a copy/instance of this form is created:


  • That copy of that form that was just created can now be found in the “Drafts” item. When clicking on the “Drafts” item, it will no longer be empty, and contain the same form that we made change(s) to:

  • If we click on that form in the “Drafts” item, the right panel will expand and open that form’s copy exactly where we left off - with a box checked:

  • If we do not submit this form, its copy (with the email delivery box checked), will remain in the “Drafts” folder.

Example 2: Creating a Second Draft (of the same Form)

  • Suppose we want to initiate another form, and suppose it will be the same form from Example 1 (“Special Request Form”). We click on “Forms” in the left panel, then choose the desired form:

  • The right panel will expand again showing the form. Of course this time, the email box will not be checked. That is because we are initiating a new form, and making any changes to it, will generate a separate draft.


  • Now, when we click on “Drafts” in the left panel, we will find two drafts:

Draft Order: The first draft is listed on the bottom. The second draft we just made is on top. The list descends from most recent to oldest drafts.


  • If we open the first draft we made, the right panel will expand the form with the email checkbox.

  • If we open the second draft, the right panel will expand. In our second draft, we checked the box for a letter request. It’s input is distinct.


  • We have the two separate drafts because we initiated two forms under the “Forms” item.



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