Starting a call with the dial pad
Navigate to the calling Calls section.
Search a name, or dial any number, then press Call.
Below the dial pad you can also see your number at the bottom of the dial padTeams phone number.
Starting a call from contacts
From the calling Calls tab, at the top of the screen select the Contacts tab.
These contacts will sync from your outlookOutlook.
You can also add a contact
To add a contact inside of your organization simply type in their name and click add
To add a contact outside of your organization type in the number of the person you’re trying to add. Then click add and enter the additional information.
To start a call from contacts, click the phone icon next to the contact’s name.
Starting a call from call history
From the calling Calls tab you can see a history of all inbound, outbound, and missed calls.
Hover over the call you want to dial to and select call Call.
On a physical Teams phone
Dial any number using the physical dialpaddial pad.
Either pick up the handset to begin the call, or press “Call“ at the bottom to begin the call on speaker.