MFA Self Enrollment Guide

MFA Self Enrollment Guide

Users Required to Use MFA:

MFA is required for all faculty, staff, students, and vendors. However, anyone can self enroll for added security benefits. MFA is required for all users accessing the VPN except for students. 

How to Enroll in MFA?

  1. Use this link to be taken to the MFA Self Enrollment form. If you are prompted to login, please do so with your SU account.

  2. Enter your first name, last name, and select whether you want to enable MFA on your account.  Then, click Submit.

  3. After submitting the form, you should receive a confirmation email that you were enrolled in MFA.  If you did not enroll in MFA and received this email, then please contact the Service Desk immediately by calling 206-296-5571.

  4. After completing the MFA Self Enrollment process, you should start receiving MFA prompts within 2 hours.  If you have not registered your MFA settings to use the VPN, then you will be asked to do so at that time by following this First Time Set Up Guide.