Removing Mac MDM Profiles Manually

Removing Mac MDM Profiles Manually

Do not use this method if you are able to click on the “Management Profile” within System Preferences (System Settings in Mac OS 13 +) / Privacy & Security and the “-” at the bottom of the window is not greyed out.

  1. Boot the Mac into Recovery Mode (hold down command+R during startup).

    1. With Mac OS 13+, completely shut down the device.

    2. Press and hold the power button on your Mac until the system volume and the Options button appear.

    3. Click the Options button, then click Continue.

    4. If asked, select a volume to recover, then click Next.

    5. Select an administrator account, then click Next.

    6. Enter the password for the administrator account, then click Continue.

  2. Go to the Utilities menu and open Terminal and type: csrutil disable. This will disable SIP (System Integrity Protection).

  3. Reboot into the OS.

  4. Open the integrated terminal and type:

    1. su admin

      1. input administrative password

    2. cd /var/db/ConfigurationProfiles

    3. rm -rf *

    4. mkdir Settings

    5. touch Settings/.profilesAreInstalled

  5. Reboot

  6. Boot the Mac into Recovery Mode

  7. Go to the Utilities menu and open Terminal and type: csrutil enable . This will re-enable SIP.

  8. Reboot into the OS.


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