Fax.Plus Trial Period User Guide

Fax.Plus Trial Period User Guide

This article is to serve as a guide for any users that have been granted access to the Fax.Plus trial. Prior to any official rollout of this service to campus, the guide will be broken into several articles and expanded.

Please do not send/receive any PII during your testing. There are only two fax numbers in the account right now, and they are shared across multiple users. The users sharing a line with you will be able to see your sent/received faxes.

Instructions for accessing Fax.Plus

  1. Browse to https://myapplications.microsoft.com/ and click Fax.Plus in the list of apps. This should automatically sign you in using SSO and will create your Fax.Plus account.

  2. After you have completed Step 1, going forward you can sign-in using your Seattle University email address and the SSO option here: https://app.fax.plus/login

    1. You are welcome to continue using the method in Step 1 to sign in, some users may find that more convenient.

Navigating the Fax.Plus web portal interface and inbox

  1. When you log into the Fax.Plus web portal you are taken to the inbox for your assigned fax line. If you have been assigned multiple numbers you will see a combined inbox, with the option to click the drop-down and select a specific number’s inbox. You will also see the inboxes for any users that have been placed under your management in Fax.Plus.

  2. Below that inbox selection drop-down you will see the tabs for checking Sent, Outbox, and Deleted faxes:

  3. At the top of the Fax.Plus web interface you will see the various tabs accessible to you. As a non-admin, the options you should see are Faxes (the first page you were brought to when signing in, the inbox), Send Fax, Contacts, and Settings. In the upper right corner you should also see your profile button, where you can manage your account settings.

Sending a Fax

  1. To send a fax, click the Send Fax tab. You will then see the interface below:

  2. You can upload files to fax from various web storage services, or from your computer by clicking the drop-down next to Add File

    1. You can also create the document to send via fax right from the web portal using the drop-down next to Add Page. Use the Rich Text Editor to draft the contents of the fax, and the Cover Sheet Generator/Cover Sheet Gallery (to import previously created cover sheets) if you need to add a cover page

  3. Add the destination fax number to the To: field or select a contact using the Add from Contacts button to the right of the To: field

    1. By clicking the Settings menu in this interface (the gear/cog icon next to Send) you have various options

      1. Scheduled fax

      2. Retry if failed

      3. Fax to Human Operated Telefax

      4. Email Recipients PDF of the fax (disabled in our instance due to HIPAA security controls)

      5. Optimize Document for Text (on by default)

    2. A note can be added to a fax prior to sending, the Add Note button is to the right of the Add from Contacts button. The note is stored in the Note column within the Sent Faxes tab

  4. Click Send when you are satisfied with the contents and settings for the fax.

Recommendations for users during this trial period

  • If you would like to test receiving a fax in Fax.Plus you could send to it from the existing fax machine, and vice versa for testing sending faxes from Fax.Plus

  • Please do not send/receive any PII during your testing. There are only two fax numbers in the account right now, and they are shared across multiple users. The users sharing a line with you will be able to see your sent/received faxes.

  • The numbers in the account right now are temporary. Please don't permanently update any official fax communication contact details to these numbers.

  • If you would like to disable notification emails for this trial period, you can do so in your account settings. I recommend doing this after you have a chance to see what those notifications are like. With many users sharing these test lines, I assume the notifications have the potential to become disruptive.

    • Click your initials in the upper right corner of the Fax.Plus portal, then click Manage Account > General > scroll down to Notifications > Click Edit > change the received and sent notifications to off.

Need additional help during this testing period? Please contact Joey Savignano directly via Teams or email: jsavignano@seattleu.edu. We are actively looking for things that may require additional guidance for users, so your positive and negative feedback on the Fax.Plus service would be incredibly helpful.

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