Connecting to SU-visitor

Connecting to SU-visitor


There are currently two wireless networks at Seattle University. SU-secure is designed for typical University business use by students, faculty and staff. SU-visitor is designed for short-term University guest access, vendors/contractors, and student streaming devices that do not support a wired connection. Each SU-visitor session is valid for up to 12 hours, after which you will need to re-register for another 12-hour session. SU-visitor is available in all internal building locations where SU-secure is broadcast.


SU-visitor is available anywhere on campus that SeattleU WiFi access is available. SU-visitor requires a non-SeattleU email address such as your personal email to register and will provide access to the internet for up to 12 hours. SU-visitor connections have up to 100Mb/sec download and upload throughput. No internal SeattleU systems can be accessed via SU-visitor. Students, faculty, and staff should use SU-secure.

Connecting to SU-visitor

Please follow the steps below for your specific device.

Windows 10 and 11

  1. Select SU-visitor from the list of available WiFi networks.

  2. Click on the Connect button.

  3. Proceed to the Portal Login section below.

Apple MacBook, MacBook Pro, MacBook Air

  1. Select SU-visitor from the list of available WiFi networks.

  2. Proceed to the Portal Login section below.

Apple iPhone or iPad

  1. Go to Settings > Wi-Fi

  2. Tap on SU-visitor from the list of available WiFi networks.

  3. Proceed to the Portal Login section below.

Android devices

  1. Go to Settings > Wi-Fi

  2. Tap on SU-visitor from the list of available WiFi networks and select ‘Connect’ when prompted.

  3. Proceed to the Portal Login section below.

Portal Login

  1. Select SU-visitor on your device. The SEATTLEU VISITOR WIFI PORTAL screen should appear.

  2. Enter a non-SeattleU email address

  3. Review and Accept the Seattle University Terms of Service

  4. Select Register

Upon successful login, your device will be redirected to www.seattleu.edu. You now have wireless internet access for 12 hours.

IMPORTANT: Your login session will remain valid for 12 hours, at which time you will need to repeat Portal Login steps 1-3 above to log back into SU-visitor.

Extended Stay Devices, Video Game Consoles, Smart TV’s, Personal Assistants, or Smart Speakers

Students living in Bellarmine, Campion, Murphy Apts, Chardin, Douglas and Xavier can request their gaming or streaming devices(s) be registered for continuous access to SU-visitor, eliminating the need to register every 12 hours. This access will expire at the end of the current school year. You can register your device by emailing the following information to servicedesk@seattleu.edu:

  1. Your First and Last Name

  2. Your SeattleU user name (we never ask for your password)

  3. Your phone number

  4. The building name and room number where you live

  5. The wireless device brand and model

  6. The 12-character wireless hardware address, also referred to as the MAC address. If you are unsure how to locate it, you can Google “find wireless mac xxxx” where xxxx is your device type.

SeattleU event coordinators can request the exemption for event attendees planning to use SU-visitor for four days or more by submitting a spreadsheet with the information above and the event end date to servicedesk@seattleu.edu. Please allow five business days for such event requests to be processed.


If your device is configured with static IP or DNS settings you won’t connect to SU-visitor.

  1. Remove any static IP or DNS settings and set your device to DHCP.

  2. Disconnect and reconnect to SU-visitor.

If your device is using Avast antivirus, this application uses a service called SecureDNS which is blocked by the SeattleU firewall. To use SU-visitor you must disable SecureDNS as follows:

  1. Open Avast

  2. Browse to Avast > Settings > Active Protection > Secure DNS

  3. Set Secure DNS to OFF.

  4. Close Avast.

  5. Disconnect and reconnect to SU-visitor.

Devices without a web browser or cannot complete portal registration

If you have any other device that cannot complete the portal registration process or doesn’t support a web browser, you will need to open a ticket with the Service Desk for registering the device for extended access. This process will require the wireless mac address of the device that requires internet access.

If you are still unable to connect

If you are still unable to connect to or login to SU-visitor after configuring your device according to the recommendations in this document, you can contact the Service Desk for assistance. For time-sensitive issues, the ITS Service Desk is available Monday thru Friday 7:00am - 7:00pm via phone at 206-296-5571. For non-time sensitive issues, or issues occurring outside Service Desk hours, you can contact the Service Desk via email at servicedesk@seattleu.edu.

Opening a support ticket with the Service Desk requires you provide the following information:

  • Your first and last name

  • Your cell phone number

  • Your email address

  • The type of device, including the brand and model, that you are trying to connect to SU-visitor

  • The web browser used

  • An explanation of the step that isn’t working as expected


Need additional help? Submit a ticket in our new portal here: IT Service Desk Help Center

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