Guest Account FAQs

Guest Account FAQs

Welcome to the guest account FAQ page! Guest accounts are available to provide access to select internal systems, including SU computers. This page contains information on what kind of accounts you can obtain, how long they last, and what policies you must abide by while using these accounts.

Guest - Provides access to select internal systems including classroom podium computers, lab computers, and the internet.    

Vendor - Commonly used for contractors. Provides access to select internal systems, select department-specific systems,, and VPN.

Guest: max is 365 days.

Vendor: max 365 days. Renewable at the end of every fiscal year.

A Seattle University staff or faculty member must request and sponsor the Guest account.  Submit a guest account request through our online form.

Users must change the password before using the account.  Go to https://myaccount.microsoft.com > Password > Change Password, to change the password.

Users must follow and abide by the Computer Acceptable Use Policy published on our policies page..

Users are encouraged to review the supporting web page Connecting to SU-visitor for information on connecting to SU-visitor.