Troubleshooting Classroom Lectern Audio and Video

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Every classroom and most event spaces on campus have a Lectern (also referred to as a podium) - a housing/storage unit that houses multiple electronic devices (Computer, Extron Switcher, TouchScreen Controller, BluRay Player, etc.) all with the purpose of assisting the learning process. One of the features of the lectern is its ability to allow faculty to use multiple devices all of which can be sent to the projector. This article explains how to troubleshoot a blank or incorrect screen on either the lectern monitor or the projector screen by using the TouchScreen to ensure the correct input is selected for the specific device you are using.


The very first thing to check is whether or not the computer is powered on.
How to Ensure Lectern Computers are Turned On

When you are certain the computer is powered on, the next step is to ensure the correct input for the device you are using is selected on the TouchScreen. Different rooms have different equipment, so depending on the available inputs and devices in the room, the TouchScreens will have different input options. All the input options for the lectern in each room are listed on the screen, so if you don’t see the option you want, then it is not available (SU does not provide adapters).

You should see the following image. If the TouchScreen is blank or has a floating logo bouncing around like an old screen saver, then simply touch the screen to activate it.

Figure 1

Figure 2

Some of the options are for self-contained hardware like the lectern PC (available in every room), the Blu-ray player, and the Document Camera (Doc Cam) while the other options are for cables to connect an external device (like a laptop) and display its screen on the projector and its audio through the speakers in the room. Most of the connecting cables are intended for laptop connections, but you may connect any device you want to so long as it has the appropriate output jacks.

To select the input for what displays on the projector and the monitor (sometimes, but not always) as well as what plays through the speakers, simply touch the appropriate icon on the screen

NOTE: Video and audio from separate sources cannot play simultaneously. For example, you cannot display an image from your laptop and simultaneously play a soundtrack from your phone.

NOTE - VGA connections come paired with a 3.5mm stereo jack for audio as VGA only passes video. This is the exception to the rule. If you are connecting a device via VGA for video, then you may connect the 3.5mm stereo jack to a separate device.

To display your video on the projector and your audio to the speakers, touch the appropriate icon on the touchscreen. The response should be immediate. If you have touched the appropriate icon and your intended media is not projecting to the speaker or playing through the speakers, please follow the following troubleshooting steps:

  1. Confirm the Send device (typically your laptop) is powered on.

  2. Confirm the connection to the device is stable and complete (a partially plugged-in or loose cable will yield poor or no results).

  3. For video, confirm the video mute button on the touchscreen is disabled (white).


  4. For audio, ensure that the audio mute button is disabled.


  5. If audio mute is disabled but there is still no sound, ensure the output volume is turned up.


  6. If there still isn’t audio, then check the volume output levels on the source device (either the in-class PC or the personal device you have plugged in)

  7. First check the global audio on the device to ensure that it is not muted and that the sound is turned up.


  8. Ensure the source material, i.e. the app you are using to play the video/audio (YouTube, Vimeo, VLC, etc.) is not muted and is outputting at a reasonable volume.

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