Submit an Advising Note and Manage Follow-Up Tasks

Submit an Advising Note and Manage Follow-Up Tasks

This how-to is intended for Professional Academic Advisors.

Advising Notes

  1. Login to Slate for Student Success

  2. Search for Student Record

  3. Click “Advising Note” button at the bottom of the Dashboard

Submit an Advising Note

  1. Once you have clicked the “Advising Note” button, a popup window will open

  2. The Advising Note form is automatically scoped to the student record that was previously opened. You can change the student by typing in the student information in the bar under the record. The form will automatically submit from your account; in rare cases, you may select “submit a report on another user’s behalf.

  3. Fill out the form:

    1. Select the date of the advising interaction

    2. Select all items that were discussed in the appointment

    3. log the time spent with the student

    4. Include any internal notes. Please note that the internal notes won’t be emailed to students; however, they may be visible to students at a future time.

    5. Message to Student: type a message or note that will be emailed to the student following the advising appointment.

    6. If you would like a follow-up task, Select “Yes,” set a date for the follow-up due date, and add notes.

    7. Press submit

View Submitted Notes

  1. Navigate to the student record

  2. Select the “Advising Details” tab

  3. All notes are listed on this tab

Manage Follow-Up Tasks

  1. Navigate to the homepage. Clicking the Slate logo in the top left corner of the screen will always navigate back to the homepage.

  2. Select the “Advising Homepage” tab. This tab will display a summary of your notes that are submitted and a list of your follow-up tasks with a due date.

    1. Click the manage “Follow-Up” button at the bottom of the page.

  3. Press “Run Query”


  4. All follow-up tasks will be displayed in individual rows. Select the task you would like to complete.

  5. Complete the follow-up task form and press submit.