Redhawk Hub

What is the Redhawk Hub?

The Redhawk Hub is Seattle University’s intranet. An “intranet” is an internal website used to securely share organizational information and resources among users.

What are we hoping to achieve by building an intranet?

In alignment with the website redesign project, the intranet will serve as a one-stop shop for internal information. Our goal is to create a space that is easy to navigate, secure, and informative. Faculty, staff, and students can reference the intranet for news, events, and all things Seattle University.

Intranet Content

Information Included in Redhawk Hub:

  • Department and School information relevant to faculty, staff and students

  • SU Today updates with campus news, messages, and other information (your weekly email isn’t going away, but you will be able to reference all recent updates here)

  • Upcoming campus events relevant to faculty, staff or current students

  • Announcements/Notifications relevant to faculty, staff or current students

Information NOT Included in Redhawk Hub (i.e. will be posted to the new website)

  • Resources, materials and events relevant to external communities

  • Promotional items meant for prospective students, parents, and employees

  • Donor-related materials

  • Alumni information

Site Overview

The intranet is built in SharePoint as a communication site and can be accessed through Microsoft 365. It mirrors a hub and spoke infrastructure, where the main hub site includes the homepages and links out to spoke sites. The connected “wheel” encompasses the intranet.

Brief Introduction to Redhawk Hub

Homepages: To better connect users with relevant and timely information, we have created three distinct homepages: Staff, Faculty and Student. These homepages display news, events, and quicklinks that are curated for the intended audience. 

Redhawk Hub Content: Content submitted from groups across campus has been migrated, refreshed, and organized into different microsites (spoke sites). You can navigate to these groups using the navigation at the top of the site, or by searching for a specific topic using the global search bar. 

Navigation Bar

There are two levels of navigation while viewing Redhawk Hub. The global navigation sits on the very top of every page, no matter which page or microsite you’re on. This navigation bar includes Schools, Student Resources, Employee Resources (serving both faculty and staff), and Quicklinks.

The second level includes navigation for the microsite that you are on (or the hub site if you’re on a homepage!). Remember that the Redhawk Hub is built in a hub and spoke system. It all comprises one site, but each microsite has its own navigation.


Global and site-level navigation bars for Hub site (Homepages)




Can’t find what you’re looking for in the navigation bar? Use the search box at the top of the page.

Global Search

If you are on a homepage, the search box at the top will search through all Microsoft 365 content that you have access to - it’s truly a global search! To narrow down the options to only Redhawk Hub pages, filter the file type to webpage.

Site Search

If you are in a microsite (eg ITS or Campus Engagement or Human Resources), the search bar at the top will search that site only.


Following a site

Have you ever wondered what the star icon in the top right means?

Clicking the star so that it is fully filled means that you are now following that site. Following a SharePoint site allows you to stay updated on the site's activities. When you follow a site, you can receive notifications about new content, updates, and discussions. It also helps you easily access the site from your SharePoint homepage under "Following" or "My sites."

Access to the Redhawk Hub

What to do if you can't access but think you should be able to?

Getting access to the Redhawk Hub

If you are a recently confirmed member of SU (Staff, Faculty, or a Student that has confirmed enrollment) then please allow a few days for all the automatic processes related to your account setup to be completed. If you are an established member and still don’t have access, then please contact the ITS Service Desk to request assistance.

Looking to add a group to the Redhawk Hub? Submit a request.

Otherwise, please submit questions to the service desk.