Apple TV Visual Instruction Sheet

Apple TV Visual Instruction Sheet


TV Airplay Screen.jfif
Example of idle screen after switching to Apple TV at the touch or button panel.


Screen Share Control Center.jfif
Pull down on the right hand corner to access the iPad control center.
Then select the Screen Mirroring button, circled in red.


Screen Share Find Room.jfif
A menu of rooms will appear, please select the room you are currently in.


TV Code Screen.jfif
The Apple TV will then display a random code for you to input on your iPad, as a security measure.


Screen Share Code Input.jfif
In this case, the random code to input is 2863. Select “OK” once done.


Screen Share Successful.jfif
The check mark next to the room indicates that Screen Mirroring was successful.
You can now tap out of Control Center.


TV iPad Screen.jfif
The Apple TV is now Mirroring any content displayed on the iPad.
To disconnect, just repeat the prior steps in Control Center and select “Stop Mirroring”.


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