Etrieve Forms Overview

Etrieve Forms Overview

This page provides an overview on Etrieve Forms. The page layout along with the three panels is showcased, and a brief explanation of each item in the first panel is given.

This support page contains both a video guide and a support article. They both contain the same set of information/instructions.

Video Guide

Support Article


Left Panel (panel 1)



The left panel contains four items:

  • Inbox: where you will find your notifications. For example: when it is your turn to fill out a form, you will be notified and you will find that form in your inbox.




  • Activity: where you can check the status of forms that you have submitted.



  • Forms: contains all forms available to you. The type of forms available to you will depend on your role at Seattle University. For example: students will have access to different forms than faculty members or staff.



  • Drafts: contain forms that you have already started but not yet submitted.



Middle Panel (panel 2)

When you select one of the four items from the left panel, the middle panel will show up and expand the item that you selected. Two examples are shown below when selecting the Forms or Drafts item:



Right Panel (panel 3)

Based on your selections from the left and middle panels, the right panel opens a corresponding form. An example below is shown when selecting Forms from the left panel, then the “Budget Adjustment Appeal” form from the middle panel:


At this point, you can fill out your form and then take the appropriate action such as submit or approve it.



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