Unlocking & Locking Forms

Unlocking & Locking Forms

This support article only concerns users who are part of groups such as advising centers. For the majority of Seattle University users, locking and unlocking features are irrelevant.

This page will cover unlocking and locking forms.

This support page contains both a video guide and a support article. They both contain the same set of information/instructions.


Video Guide


Support Article

  • Suppose you have this form in your inbox and you click on it to to open:




  • By simply opening this form, this form is now locked. This is indicated by the “Locked” icon in the action bar at the bottom of the page:

When you cause a form to be locked, you become the only user who can make any changes to this form. This is undesirable, because if you step away from this form, no other user in your group can make any changes to this form and continue processing it as needed.

  • To avoid this scenario, simply click on the lock icon, and it will switch from “Locked” to “Unlocked”. A confirmation message will pop up as shown:


If you re-open the form, it will lock again, even if you have already unlocked it. If you do not plan on submitting/returning/approving the form (or any other action that will move the form to a different step), always remember to unlock the form.


  • Only the user that caused a form to lock can make changes to the form or unlock the form. If another form is locked by another user, you can find out their name by clicking on the lock icon:

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