Using MySQL Workbench in Redhawk Labs

Using MySQL Workbench in Redhawk Labs

This guide will help users launch MySQL Workbench where they can be admins of their own databases. To be able to use this users will need to have access to both the Computer Science Desktop and MySQL Desktop


  1. Launch the MySQL Desktop (will take a couple of seconds to load the first time you launch it because it is creating your container)


  2. MySQL Workbench should open automatically but if it doesn’t open the MySQL folder on your desktop


  3. Double-click on MySQL-Docker-Start. This will open MySQL Workbench it will take a few seconds to open Workbench


  4. You will be prompted for your password


  5. Open the MySQL-Server-Password file to find your password (in the MySQL folder)


  6. You can now use MySQL Workbench


  7. If you want to upload a file make sure it’s in your Z:drive (also called DBDrive)

    1. Different ways to access them (they are the same folder just different names):

      1. DBDrive: in your MySQL folder on your desktop


      2. Click This PC and look for your Z:drive




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