How to Install Slate for Outlook

How to Install Slate for Outlook

This article provides instructions on how to install and set up the Slate add-in for Outlook


  1. Click Database in the top navigation bar and select the Microsoft Add-in link under the Messages section.

  2. A popup will appear to show that the application was downloaded. Open the application open the application and follow the prompts to install the add-in; this may take a few minutes to complete.

  3. Once complete, close and re-open Outlook.

  4. Navigate to the ‘Add-ins’ tab in Outlook and Technolutions Slate will now be listed.

  5. Select an email to add to a Slate student timeline and then select the Technolutions Slate Add-in.

  6. A pop-up will appear to enter the domain of the Slate database. SU has three Slate Instances: admissions.slate.edu , grad-admissions.slate.edu, ncs-admissions.seattleu.edu

  7. The user will then be asked to log into their Slate account. Important to note: each time Outlook is closed, the domain of the Slate database and log in credentials will need to be entered.

  8. Once the log in credentials have been confirmed, the popup will give the user the following options to choose from in order to associate the email message:

    1. Allow the user to create a new record by selecting Create Record link

    2. Search and associate a current record in the Slate database by searching the Record box.

    3. Offer a suggested existing record in Slate that matches the first name, last name and email address; select the Relink option to search for another record to associate the message.

  9. Once the record as been assigned, select Add To File.

  10. A confirmation message will appear on the Microsoft Add In popup.

  11. The message will be stored in Slate on student record timeline.




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