How to use your Elevated Account

How to use your Elevated Account

An elevated account or ea account is designed to grant you local administrator rights on your SU device. This document provides instructions on how you can use your ea account on your machine. In addition, it describes the abilities the account can and cannot perform.

Elevated Account Abilities

Elevated accounts can perform the following actions:

  • Install and uninstall software on your machine

  • Run applications with administrator rights

Elevated accounts cannot perform the following actions:

  • Send or receive email

  • Print

  • Access Microsoft applications, such as SharePoint, OneDrive, Teams, etc.

  • Access SU Secured WiFi

  • Access systems such as Colleague, Canvas, Zoom, Redhawk Labs, and VDI


How to install software on Windows 10 / 11 using your EA account.

  1. Open the folder containing the installation file for the software you want to install.

  2. Hold down the shift key and right click the installation file.

  3. You will receive a popup, click the “Run as different user” option.

  4. You will receive a login prompt, so enter the username (refer to the ticket you’re working on) and password (created by the assigned SD tech) for the EA account.

  5. If you need any other accounts that logs into this machine to use the software, then you must make sure you select to install the application for “All Users” instead of “Current User”.

  6. Next, follow the installation instructions to complete the process.

Security Notice

Any software installed on the machine needs to be reported to infosec@seattleu.edu so they can complete a security review of the software prior to installation.

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