Logging into Zoom with SU Credentials

Logging into Zoom with SU Credentials


With the desktop app:

  1. Click "Sign In with SSO"


  2. Enter "seattleu" into the Company Domain box.


  3. Log in to your SeattleU account as you would normally.


  4. Click "Open zoom.us" when prompted.


  5. Click "Join" and enter Meeting ID information. 


 From the website:

  1. Go to the Zoom website.

  2. Hit "Sign In".

  3. Click "Sign in with SSO".


  4. Type "seattleu" into the Company Domain box.


  5. Log into your SeattleU account as you normally would.


  6. Click "Join a Meeting" on the top right toolbar of the webpage.


  7. Input the Meeting ID. 

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