Zoom Automated Captions

Zoom Automated Captions

For the most detailed and up to date user guide - visit the Zoom official documentation. This includes information on adjusting font size, real-time translations, transcripts, and more.

Viewing captions in a meeting or webinar

View closed captioning or live transcription during a meeting or webinar

  1. Sign in to the Zoom desktop app.

  2. Join a meeting or webinar.

  3. In the meeting controls toolbar, click the Show Captions icon .

  4. (Optional) Click-and-drag the captions to move their position in the meeting window.

Note: Closed captioning is available on Linux, but live transcription is not yet available.

Automatically show captions when available

If you want to always have captions displayed, if they are available in that meeting or webinar, users can adjust their client accessibility settings to make this happen automatically.

  1. Sign in to the Zoom desktop app.

  2. Click your profile picture then click Settings.

  3. Click the Accessibility tab.

  4. Under Closed Captioning, click the checkbox to enable Always show captions.
    When captions are enabled by the host of the meeting or webinar, captions will be automatically displayed for you.

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