Outlook - Log-in Loop (Windows 10)
Outlook - Log-in Loop (Windows 10)
If you are asked to log into your Outlook program, and it repeatedly shows this page even though you’ve already put in the correct password, you may have a conflict occurring which is preventing Outlook from authenticating. Please follow the steps below:
Repair Steps (Windows-only)
Press the Start or Windows button on the taskbar, then click the gear or ‘Settings.
Click ‘Accounts’
Click ‘Access Work or School’
Are there any work or school accounts listed with a Windows logo next to them? If so, remove/disconnect them.
Restart your computer.
Re-open Outlook and try to log in again.
If it asks you to log in more than twice, please contact the Service Desk at 206-296-5571 or servicedesk@seattleu.edu for additional troubleshooting.