Account Management

Account Management

An SU account provides students, faculty and staff access to university computers, email and systems. Campus cards are also available to access university buildings and dining facilities. Please select one of the services below for more information. 

SU uses what’s called Single Sign On (SSO) for many of its services This means that many things use your SU email or its username to log in and they share the same password. The username is your SU email without ‘@seattleu.edu’. For example, the username for ‘johndoe@seattleu.edu' is ‘johndoe’ and they share the same password. Most systems will specify if they need the email or username, but if it doesn’t accept one, try the other before contacting ITS for assistance.

Former employee emails are recoverable up to 30 days after termination. Emails are permanently deleted after 30 days.

Password Assistance

If you need to reset your password and know the old password you can reset it by using either of these portals:

If you don’t know your password, or your account is locked, you can contact the Service Desk at any time via phone and we can assist you.

Types of Accounts

  • General accounts (Student, Faculty, and Staff)

  • Student Employee (SE) Account

    • Can be requested by the student's supervisor by opening a ticket with ITS here.

  • Sponsored Accounts

  • Vendor/Guest Accounts

    • Can be requested by sponsors making a ticket ITS here.


Need additional help? Submit a ticket with the Service Desk here: IT Service Desk Help Center

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